- Out Of Office, Out Of Mind - The Lesser Of Two Evils

 (Plague Doctor - Essenger)

OOO - 2023-10-23

So, good news, bad news.

The bad news is that I'm sort of...not here right now? But the good news really kind of outweighs that if we're being honest: You don't have to deal with me!
  • If you've got questions about Accessibility and Learning & Development, you should totally reach out to Thing 1. WAY nicer than I am. Snappy dresser.
  • If you've got questions about working with a vendor to ensure they can 'Do Accessibility', get in touch with Thing 2. Also way nicer than I am. (Ask about Herschel, you won't regret it.)
  • If you've got Accessibility questions related to employee accommodations, you can totally check out our Workplace Accommodations SharePoint site!
  • If you've got questions about Project '(Redacted)', Thing 3 is your man. Also much nicer. Great sense of humor!
  • General Accessibility questions, or not sure where to go? There's a whole SQUADRON of coaches at the ARC who can help and...actually, now that I'm thinking about it, they're all nicer than me too. Start a conversation over at #IrrelaventSlackChannelName or EquallyIrrelaventEmail@address.com.
  • Finally, if you really think someone needs to be told about how much nicer everyone else is than I am, let Thing Manager know. She's my manager and is responsible for my continued existence. That...basically makes it her fault. (And that means the incident with the geese and the orange-flavored gelatin is ALSO her fault so PLEASE stop sending me the bills for it.)
I should be back around October 30th, which...you know, do with that what you will. Messages will be returned as quickly as I can manage. 'Accidentally' deleted messages will be blamed on the cat. 



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