MOViE REVIEW: Black Adam

 (The Void Approacheth - Bilmuri)

It’s been said more than once — on this blog included — that DC is just not having a good time of it in the movie theater. Their movies are generally around 50/50 with how much people have seemed to enjoy them. To put it bluntly, DC needs a win.

To this cause, The People’s Champion and his noble, long-running pursuit of a little passion project called ‘Black Adam’.  

It was tempting at first to groan when rumors first started circulating, especially in the wake of a somewhat middle of the road tie-in in the form of ‘Shazam’. Then folks started thinking a little more about it and getting excited for one very good reason: Dwayne Johnson has proven over and over again that he’s all about listening to the fans and giving them what they want. He’s arguably one of the most bankable stars in or out of Hollywood as a result.

Then…well, then the trailers started to drop. Moments later, so did our jaws. See, historically, Black Adam wasn’t a very nice guy and, just as historically, Hollywood hasn’t been very good about allowing bad men to do superhero-level bad things on-screen in an even remotely realistic fashion. 

There our boy was though, right there on screen, toasting a goon to ash right before our eyes. 

And it was good.

…Yeah, I’m not even going to bother with the whole ‘Short vs. Long’ thing I usually do. This move is everything I wanted it to be. I cackled with glee throughout most of it and was grinning for the remainder. I’ve seen a few people online taking shots at the movie for entirely too-cerebral reasons and I can only say that they very much did NOT understand the assignment. 

For the people that know me, let me put this another way: This movie is ‘Venom’ levels of good. Possibly better.

The End. 


- Hackman was a one-dimensional tool. Fight me. I realize that this was done to make Black Adam more likable but it was rather unnecessary and heavy-handed. No way is he the one in charge. Sorry.

- I’m…not sure what multiverse this was supposed to take place in but if it’s in the same universe as the other DCEU films, there’s some serious explaining to do. Huge. Massive.

- Remember, kids. Dr. Fate was here first and is MUCH more responsible than Dr. Strange.

- That post-credits scene tho… :)


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