- Six Strings - One Street Over (Concept) v1

 (One Street Over - Mirrored Insight)

Music creeps into my head at the oddest moments.  Except...now that I've opened the blog entry with that statement, I must admit that the moment where this song came to me was not so odd.  In point of fact, I was sitting in the living room of a friend and musical mentor of mine.  I was having a wonderful dinner with him, his significant other, and a small handful of other friends and we weren't talking about anything even remotely close to music.

...I shit you not, we were talking about college admissions.

Don't ever grow up, kids.

Anyway, said mentor and I pretty frequently pulled instruments out whenever we were anywhere near the other.  On the night in question, I'd been so busy hauling foodstuffs over to see him that I hadn't had time to grab a guitar and amp.  I figured that was probably okay though because not everyone was really that interested in hearing the two of us rabbit on about compositional theory.

Apparently, my brain objected to NOT playing around him because as we all at there in our cups in his living room, my brain suddenly started thinking about a sequence of notes that I thought would sound AWFUL cool, and that MUST be a C chord followed by an A Minor chord in order to get the bass line I was after, and...

I went home that night and this happened.  Or, rather, the first two phrases of this happened.  The rest of it would come in the weeks that followed.  It's not even remotely complete but it's here now which means it's not rattling around inside of my head.  That's both a good thing and a bad thing.  It's good because it's no longer haunting me.  It's bad because ... it's no longer haunting me, so the odds that I'll revisit this and flesh it out are slim.

Chord notes:

G6 = Folk G with the E open.  Yes, I know that's probably not a proper G6 Chord.  Leave me alone.

C Noodle, C, C Noodle
Am, Am Noodle
C Noodle, C, C Noodle
Am, Am Noodle
G6, FMaj7
C, Cadd9, C7,
FMaj7, E7, FMaj7, Folk G, G7


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