- Six Strings -

(Departure - Mirrored Insight)

Someone asked me not long ago why I hadn't posted any guitar videos recently, and was I taking a break?

The answer is very much 'no', but time just hasn't lined up for a good video in the last month or so.  I was out of town for about a week and a half on equal parts family business and vacation.  When I came home, it was only a short while until the whole Corona Virus thing reared its head.

"But Steve," you cry, "If you're sheltering in place like a good little boy, shouldn't you have plenty of time to play?"  The answer is yes, but for one very small detail:  My wife is also sheltering in place, and she's currently working out of my office cum music room.  I have one guitar, a small amp, and my Neunaber pedal down here in the dining room with me now, and that's not really conducive to videos.  Sad, really, but something amusing did come of all of this.

See, my wife has been working remotely, which means more video conferences.  Her co-workers, all decent people, saw my small army of guitars in the background of her video stream at one point and said, "Ooooh!  Do you play guitar?  You should play guitar on our next call!"  To which she responded that they were, in fact, my guitars.  "Ooooh!  You should have HIM play guitar for us!"

Decent co-workers, yes, but also terribly bored if this is what they're asking for. 

Still, never let it be said that I don't listen to the mob.  I promptly gathered together a collection of YouTube videos of some of my less-crap playing and sent them off for their listening pleasure, and then sort of forgot all about it.

Fast forward a week and my wife receives a text message from one of her co-workers.  In said message is a video of him clearly listening to 'Departure' on his system at home.  Kind of an 'aww!' moment for me, but then the camera slowly panned away from the monitor to a patch of carpeted floor where a positively massive cat lay, utterly sprawled out on its back with paws in the air.

My music puts cats into a zen state.

...Everyone's gotta have an audience, I guess. :)


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