MOVIE REVIEW: Hellboy (2019)

(I Guess I Just Feel Like - John Mayer)

I'll get right to the point:

This is a bad movie.

My wife and I both love Hellboy, and we couldn't even finish it.  We turned it off about a third of the way through during the hokey as hell (Hah!) scene with the Wild Hunt.

When Ron Perlman put the horns on back in 2004, and then again in 2008, it was widely regarded as a triumph.  Not only was the movie itself quite good, but Hellboy fanatics were well-pleased with Big Red's treatment.  (We will quietly draw a veil over Luke Goss and whatever the hell he was trying to do under the guise of acting...)

Whatever the heck this movie is, it ain't a triumph.  It's doubly frustrating because it had all of the ingredients to be a success.  Ian McShane and David Harbour -could- have done a wonderful job here, but they weren't given much to work with at all.

The End.


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