- Out Of Office, Out Of Mind - Geese And Gelatin

 (Rush Over Me feat. Haliene -- Seven Lions)

OOO - 2022-09-02

No one really understood the potential for mayhem when all of the gelatin moulds went missing. Naturally, the connection between this and an inexplicable shortage of bottle rockets wasn't considered until it was too late either. By then, of course, it was too late.

Casual onlookers would report what sounded like cheering preceding the incident. Closer inspection would reveal it was actually a small army of geese that had gathered at Paige Field, flapping their wings and honking in a suspiciously jubilant manner amidst massive, hazy clouds of smoke.

Then the orange gelatin started falling from the sky, each impact accompanied by dozens of geese honking in unison and then frantically scurrying out of the way before the next glob splattered down. 

Drone pilots would swoop in later to survey the carnage from the sky. What they found fueled equal parts curiosity and amusement: The debris looked all the world like letters spelling a message: "Happy Labor Day!"

In the end, the people charged with investigating such things had a pretty good idea who'd been responsible for the incident, though they couldn't prove it. Their primary suspect wasn't even working when the mayhem began and wasn't supposed to come back to work until Monday, September 12th. The suspect's manager, Jane Doe, was happy to assist with work functions in the suspect's absence but could offer no additional information about the incident. (Rumor had it that she'd long since given up trying to control said suspect.) 

None of that was really relevant though. There were only two serious issues that still needed answering:

1. What role had the geese played in all of this and how had he trained them?
2. Why in the world had he chosen ORANGE flavored gelatin? There were so many better flavors...


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