- Six Strings - Moonlight Duet v2

 (Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven)

My guitar playing comes and goes along with my desire to do so.  While I continue to experiment with new chords, voicings, and effects, my playing has slowed somewhat.  I've got at least two of them I need to get laid down and I REALLY need to re-tool The Unridden Pasture.  I just haven't been hugely motivated to do that. Said motivation crept up and bit me in the ass the other day though.  I had an opportunity to listen to one of my nieces as she practiced her piano. I immediately fetched my baby Taylor and riffed a little with her over the opening strains of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Then I came home, pulled up a backing track, and started the improv process up again.  This is the second attempt at recording this.  The first one is sort of...bad because I'm playing the backing track from my computer's speakers and running my guitar through my amp.  I placed the phone an equal distance between the two and let 'er rip.  

The results were sub par.

On this attempt, I tried something new, a trick designed to provide better audio from both sources.

I, uh...I turned the volume way up.

It's a start.


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