- Six Strings - Pushing Around v1

(Abrasive - Ratatat)

I had an incredible opportunity to help another guitar player shop for their first 'real' guitar not too long ago.  It was absolutely wonderful. Anyone who has ever picked up that -perfect- guitar and felt lightning strike them will have almost as much fun watching someone else go through the process.  Maybe even better than was watching said young player find a small piece of well-earned confidence.  New players are sometimes shy about playing around other people because ... reasons.

Turns out, this individual didn't have a damn thing to be concerned with.  It's the quiet ones, folks. Always the quiet ones...

Anyway, it's been awhile since I recorded and tried out new things, so I figured...what the heck?  I laid down a really simple backing track rotating through Em, G, and A and then experimented with a little lead playing.  First real foray into it, but you have to start somewhere.

The keen observer might also notice that there's more than a little filth in my guitar tone today.  You can all thank a very good friend of mine for that.  Dude just got out of surgery for his neck not too long ago and he's easily one of my biggest music buddies.  He told me once that the dirt worked for me pretty well, so...experimenting with that too.

Guitar: Squier J. Mascis Signature Jazzmaster, "The Persian"
Pots: All Max
Pick-Up: Both
Circuit: Rhythm
Amp: Boss Katana Mk I
Cabinet: (o'Clock): Lead, Gain 11, Amp Vol Max, Master Vol 9
Effects: Blues Overdrive 8, Delay (O) 9:30, Reverb (O) 1

God help me, the more I play this Jazzmaster, the more I'm starting to really love it.


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