- Bathroom Musings -

(Portals - Alan Silvestri)

This doesn't make much sense unless you understand that I got a new kitten recently.   This is Tardigrade:

We call her Grady, or Grady-Bear.  We got her for the expressed purpose of keeping one of our other cats, Mumford, occupied.  See, his Mum-ness is a large specimen of a cat, and we needed another cat to keep him occupied so that he'd stop torturing our third cat, Tinker.  Right now, Grady's a wee little kitten, so she's equal parts insane energy levels and a breath-taking lack of coordination.

I digress.

So I'm downstairs and I've just finished the dishes.  It's been awhile, so I have to pee, but first, I have to get through the obstacle that is all three of our cats swarming around me in my kitchen, hoping I'll drop treats or food down for them.  It's a running fire-fight to the bathroom from there, as they swarm around me in a circular pattern in an attempt to get into my way.  One steps in front of me, realizes there isn't any food, and then circulates away to the side, given room for the NEXT cat to run in front of me.  

Cats are assholes.

This ends up in the bathroom on the main floor with Grady being in front of me.  When she finally realizes that I'm not actually doing to drop food, she darts into the bathroom and then leaps up onto the toilet in an attempt to evade my feet.

Only, she didn't realize that the toilet lid was up for some reason, and landed square inside of the bowl.  Thrashing ensued, and I seriously had to keep from peeing my pants because I was laughing so hard.  Then I had to continue trying hard not to pee my pants, because a kitten does not exit a bowl of water gracefully, or without dumping half of it everywhere.  And then leaving a huge trail of it all over the wooden floor.


  1. Our (now 7 month old) Sadie did something very similar when she was about 8 weeks old. No coordination at all. Jumping up on everything. Up with the lid to take a leak. And... directly into the toilet she lept.


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