- Six Strings - D Chord Noodle 1
(Amber - Mannheim Steamroller)
Guitar: PRS SE 245 "The Goose"
Pots: All Max
Pick-Up: Middle/Both
Amp: Boss Katana Mk I
Cabinet: (o'Clock): Clean, Gain 9, Vol 5:30,
Effects: Tape Echo (O) 10, Hall Reverb (O) 10
Minor Duo Noodle
Ems4, As2, Ems4, A
D, Fm5, D7, Folk G
Em, A, Em, A
Ems4, As2, Ems4, A
Minor Triad Noodle
Minor Duo Noodle: This is just the high E and G strings open, on the second fret, the third fret, and the sixth fret, with a lot of sliding around.
FTR D: No idea what this chord is called. It's a normal D-Chord, but instead of fretting the G string on the second fret, I'm fretting the D strong on the second fret and fiddling with my first finger on high E.
Minor Triad Noodle: This is a D7 Chord shape at the second, third, fifth, and ... seventh fret, I think. I'm sure those chords have names, but I'll be damned if I know what they are.
The duo and triad noodles are things I've been playing around with for the better part of a year now, and some of the double-picking that I do here produces a sound that I've been in love with since I bought my Katana in...May of this year, I think?
This is actually a four-track piece that I put together in GarageBand using my Scarlett 2i4. On one hand, this sounds MUCH cleaner than recording through my phone. On the other, I'm honestly not sure I'm going to keep recording through GarageBand until I can play the whole piece through in one go. One of the reasons why I went Multi-Track on this is because there's a shift from a D7 to a Folk G right in the middle of the whole deal, and I just cannot get my fingers to move from one shape to another at the tempo I'm playing at. This tells me that I need to practice more instead of hiding it behind post-production.
It also tells me that I'm a perfectionist, and perhaps I need to a little easier on myself given my less than a year's experience.
...It also, also tells me that I need to get Mark Hammond over to my house to add a proper bass line for me. Or figure out how to add said bass line in my DAW.
Guitar: PRS SE 245 "The Goose"
Pots: All Max
Pick-Up: Middle/Both
Amp: Boss Katana Mk I
Cabinet: (o'Clock): Clean, Gain 9, Vol 5:30,
Effects: Tape Echo (O) 10, Hall Reverb (O) 10
Minor Duo Noodle
Ems4, As2, Ems4, A
D, Fm5, D7, Folk G
Em, A, Em, A
Ems4, As2, Ems4, A
Minor Triad Noodle
Minor Duo Noodle: This is just the high E and G strings open, on the second fret, the third fret, and the sixth fret, with a lot of sliding around.
FTR D: No idea what this chord is called. It's a normal D-Chord, but instead of fretting the G string on the second fret, I'm fretting the D strong on the second fret and fiddling with my first finger on high E.
Minor Triad Noodle: This is a D7 Chord shape at the second, third, fifth, and ... seventh fret, I think. I'm sure those chords have names, but I'll be damned if I know what they are.
The duo and triad noodles are things I've been playing around with for the better part of a year now, and some of the double-picking that I do here produces a sound that I've been in love with since I bought my Katana in...May of this year, I think?
This is actually a four-track piece that I put together in GarageBand using my Scarlett 2i4. On one hand, this sounds MUCH cleaner than recording through my phone. On the other, I'm honestly not sure I'm going to keep recording through GarageBand until I can play the whole piece through in one go. One of the reasons why I went Multi-Track on this is because there's a shift from a D7 to a Folk G right in the middle of the whole deal, and I just cannot get my fingers to move from one shape to another at the tempo I'm playing at. This tells me that I need to practice more instead of hiding it behind post-production.
It also tells me that I'm a perfectionist, and perhaps I need to a little easier on myself given my less than a year's experience.
...It also, also tells me that I need to get Mark Hammond over to my house to add a proper bass line for me. Or figure out how to add said bass line in my DAW.
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