IDOTAM Special - State Of Play

(Why Worry - Dire Straits)

From time to time, folks ask what I'm up to in my spare time.  On occasion, they find what I'm up to vaguely interesting, and want to be up to it themselves.

So be it.

Here, then, is a quick list of what games I'm playing, what books I'm reading, what music I'm listening to, and what hobbies I'm pursuing.


- Lemmings for iOS: It's classic Lemmings streamlined for touch displays.  Yes, please.
- Swing Star for iOS: A quick time-waster.  Think Spider-Man in 2D.
- Rogue Legacy for Nintendo Switch: I reviewed this awhile back before I made the jump to Blogger.  It's still outstanding.  I'll have to go dig my old review out and post it again.
- Fez for iOS: Yes, I know. I bought it on yet ANOTHER console.  Still worth it.


- The Safehold Series by David Weber: I just finished these.  Reader beware.  Check out my review.
- Expeditionary Force, Book 1: Columbus Day by Craig Alanson: A friend of mine begged me to read these books.  So far, they're about as well written as B-Grade fan fiction.  I'm told there's a beer can that I'm waiting for.  We'll see.


- D&D 5e - The Curse Of Strahd:  I'm almost done in this campaign as a player and just starting it as a DM.  It's easily the most complex and richly detailed D&D module I've ever played.  And I love it.
- Guitar:  Still trying to get better.  Currently playing an Epiphone Les Paul Special II and a Squier Bullet Strat on a small Roland amp.  I'll be upgrading to a Fender Mustang GT200 very soon, possibly followed by an Epiphone Les Paul Standard or a Fender Telecaster.  Or a Schecter Hellraiser.
- This Blog.  Far less than I should, but life hasn't been quiet.
- Driving.  I just bought a new car, and the weather has turned nice.  Lots of time to be running around outside on the road right now, and I love it.


- Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse Score and Soundtrack: I saw this back in December with my very good friend Aaron.  All of the music blew me away.  Still can't get them out of my head.
- John Mayer: Love him or hate him, Mayer remains one of this generations most gifted writers and instrumentalists.  An ex of mine introduced me to him back in...2004, maybe? I dunno.  I stopped listening to him for a long time, and recently started cherrypicking some great songs off of his three most recent albums. 
- Ronald Jenkees:  I love me some RJ.  His last album, Rhodes Deep, dropped two and a half years ago, so he's about due for another one.  He's been dropping samples and one full track recently, so I'm completely stoked.


- American Gods, Season 2
- The Grand Tour, Season 3
- James May's Toy Stories, Season 1
- Good Omens, in the very near future
- Game Of Thrones Season 8, in the very near future

God, now that I write this all down on paper, I am -BORING-.  Maybe I shouldn't do this again.


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