- Bathroom Musings -

(Road To Perdition - Thomas Newman)

Our next question comes from a viewer:

"Ever violate a public bathroom so hard, you buy more than you intended to apologize?"

Oh, have I.

There's totally this grocery store that's right on the way to my office, and I don't know how many times I've been driving into work and had to make an emergency diversion.  It's early in the morning, you're the ONLY ONE in the store, and every cashier stationed at Check-Out sees you walk in.  You're walking because you don't want to be blatantly obvious that the only reason you're there is to violate a toilet in a manner that could only be truly appreciated by the Golgothan.  It's a stiff walk; although you might want to run if you want to make the safety of your porcelain savior intact, you understand that such a maneuver would be folly, and that the world would suffer greatly for your lapse in judgement.  So you walk, barely restrained, to the restrooms.  And when you're done?  Red-faced, possibly sweating, you sidle up to the cashier closest to the door and play it cool, because you were really only there to buy a small pack of gum when nature called.


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