MOVIE REVIEW: Deadpool 2

(In My Time Of Dying - It Might Get Loud OST)

One little letter has been the bane of movie makers' existences since the MPAA put it into place.  It's kept audiences and earning potentials smaller than they might otherwise be, and has attached a sometimes unfair stigma to some of cinema's greatest movies.  What letter, you ask?


While R-Rated movies enjoyed something akin to success back in the '80s and early '90s, the movement to censor and shield underage audiences from source-proclaimed 'inappropriate' content soon made the R-Rating a death sentence.  People stopped considering the movie itself and immediately dismissed it without consideration.

Then, an unlikely hero stepped into the light and saved us all.  Except he doesn't like being called a hero.  He likes being called 'Captain'.  Except that doesn't really work, so everyone just calls him Deadpool.

Released in February of 2016, Deadpool quickly went onto becoming the highest-grossing R-Rated movie opening in history, and followed that up with becoming the highest-grossing R-Rated movie ever.  Many attributed its success to the passion that Ryan Reynolds and screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick brought to the project.  This was aided somewhat by the Deadpool test footage leaking around a year before the movie was actually released.  Fan response was so huge that the film was green-lit and the rest is raunchy, bloody, face-hurtingly hilarious history.

Then the credits rolled and the stinger at the end promised not only a sequel, but one with Cable in it, a dream for Deadpool fans.  Aaaaand then the stories started breaking on the internet about creative conflict surrounding the sequel, about how they were talking about taking it in different directions than the first film.

Fast-forward around two years and Deadpool 2 -- that's DP2 to you -- has finally arrived.  Could the Merc With A Mouth actually pull off the masterful success of the first movie again?


Yup.  Always bet on Red. 


First, can we all agree that the first Deadpool wasn't a children's movie and NOT take our kids to see Deadpool 2?  Please?

Okay, now that's out of the way, it should be known that the long version isn't going to be much longer than the short one.  Ryan Reynolds crushed it again.  DP2 is amazing for all of the reasons that the original was.  Somehow, Reynolds and the DP creative team found out exactly where to stand on the ragged edge of incredible humor without going across the line, and they just tap-dance on that edge for two whole hours.  As someone who appreciates incredible writing, that is just awe-inspiring for me.

I legitimately don't want to spoil any of the story for you simply because it takes away from the massive enjoyment of the movie that you'll get.  Suffice it to say that the film opens with a bang and doesn't really let up until the end.  There are a few missteps, but for the most part, DP2 is every bit the comedy action masterpiece that the first film was.

Here are a few stand-out 'Good' And 'Bad' things about the film, and these ARE spoiler-y, so you've been warned:
  • The humor in this movie is so culturally aware that the fourth wall breaks are absolutely insane.  Some of the loudest laughs in the film come from riffing off of other things that have happened within the last year and it makes the movie so much more potent because of it.

  • There are several lines in the trailer that never make it into the movie.  This would be frustrating, except that the lines the movie uses as replacements are also absolutely hilarious.

  • There's a 'Blink And You'll Miss It' line when Wade is fighting the movie's literal Big Bad and it very nearly made me do a spit-take in the theater.

  • There's a scene in the movie where Wade refuses to die.  Repeatedly.  That may have been one of the only overcooked scenes in the film.

  • Domino steals nearly every scene in the movie that she's in.

  • I didn't think it was possible to find a male, teenage version of Rebel Wilson, but they did it.

  • I'm gonna say it:  Josh Brolin is a discount Ron Perlman.  I watched Infinity War and DP2 back to back, and both times, I thought, "Gosh, this would have been so much better with Ron Perlman..."  It's not that Brolin did a bad job, per se, I just sort of...wanted Ron Perlman.  I can hear Perlman voicing every one of Brolin's lines.  Better.

  • I wonder who wrote the part of the script where Wade gets an extra pointless make-out scene with Vanessa.  I wonder how much he was paid to write that. ;)

  • The mid-credits Stingers may have been the best part of the movie.

  • Always remember to tip your cab driver.


  • Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Alan Tudyk are all in this movie and you missed it.  I mean...I missed it, so I'm assuming you missed it.


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